Katie MacLeod

About Katie

Katie MacLeod has been immersed in step dancing and fiddle playing for nearly two decades. Hailing from Dunvegan, Inverness County, and a member of the Broad Cove Parish, Katie made her debut performance at the Broad Cove Scottish Concert at the age of ten, accompanied by her cousin Marion MacLeod on piano. During her formative years, Katie's passion for her craft led her to attend spring and summer sessions at The Gaelic College/Colaisde na Gàidhlig. As she progressed through high school and university, Katie continued to showcase her talents at various ceilidhs and venues across Cape Breton and even travelled abroad with the Cape Breton Fiddlers' Association to Victoria, BC and Scotland. She is a St. Francis Xavier University graduate and has recently completed her studies in the Industrial Engineering program at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS.