Keith MacDonald

About Keith

Meet Keith MacDonald, a skilled piper hailing from Foot Cape in Cape Breton. Piping runs in his blood as he has been playing since a young age and has grown up surrounded by the music. To enhance his skills, Keith received lessons at the Gaelic College where he was fortunate to have several influential instructors, including Bruce MacPhee, Ryan MacDonald, John MacLean, Mark Stuart, Andy Rogers, John MacPhee, and the notable Robyn Whitty who provided private tutoring and helped him excel as a competition piper.

Keith has a special interest in the Cape Breton piping tradition, which is evident in his band "All Fired Up," where he often plays traditional Cape Breton tunes on the pipes alongside the fiddle. Additionally, he is a member of the group "Nuallan," which features 3 sets of pipes playing the Cape Breton piping style. Keith is an active participant in the Dartmouth and District Pipe Band, competing both locally and internationally