Kyle MacDonald

About Kyle

Kyle MacDonald, originally from Foot Cape in Cape Breton, was fortunate to grow up among a community of talented fiddle players. As a young musician, he frequently played with his brothers Keith and Colin, collectively known as "All Fired Up," and learned from the late Dougie MacDonald. Kyle's passion for fiddling was nurtured by his involvement with the Cape Breton Fiddler's Association, where he received guidance from respected players like Ed Rogers, John Campbell, Stan Chapman, Jerry Holland, Carl MacKenzie, David Greenburg, Winnie Chafe, Buddy MacMaster. Marianne Jewel, a local instructor, helped Kyle master the Gaelic style of fiddle playing prevalent in the Mabou area during his teenage years. Under her tutelage, Kyle became proficient in note reading and familiarized himself with various key signatures.